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Brief on the regulator

Pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (710) dated 9/11/1441H, which includes in item VII thereof that “the Ministry undertakes the tasks of the Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory Authority “ECRA” mentioned in the water law, and related to the regulation of service provision activities except for cogeneration activities”, and the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (263) dated 14/5/1442H, approving the statute of the Water and Electricity Authority, and what is stated in point (2) of item V of the same resolution that “the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture “MEWA” replaces the Regulatory Authority for Water and Electricity in the exercise of the powers, competencies, rights and duties relevant to the regulation of the water sector contained in ECRA statute, except for co-generation activities”, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture has assigned the task of regulating water services to the Deputyship for Regulatory Affairs (Water Regulator).


Regulating of the supply of water services in safe, clean, reliable, high-quality, and at competitively affordable prices water supply that achieves justice among consumers, with everyone having access to water to meet their needs, in a way that ensures the protection of the rights of consumers, service providers, and the public interest.

Steering Committee

A steering committee of the water regulator has been formed, chaired by the Vice Minister consisting of 11 members with a majorty of  independent members, in order to carry out all the tasks and powers entrusted to the Board of Directors of WERA Authority related to the regulation of the water sector, except for cogeneration.